F.C. Brighton's College ID Program designed to help players begin the process moving from high school age soccer to the next level. This will be done through helping educate players and parents on the recruiting process and creating player profiles, training directly with our Executive Director of Coaching and our Boys and Girls Directors of Coaching, and setting an annual plan which will include College Showcase tournaments.
If you're a dedicated player aspiring to play after high school, this program will help you prepare for that and will team you up with some of the best players in the club and surrounding areas.
2020 Tournaments
Broomfield Showcase
(Boys and Girls):
June 5th-6th
Chicago Showcase
July 10th-12th
Kansas City Showcase
November 20th-22nd
Westminster Showcase
(Boys and Girls)
December 5-6th
2020 Fees
Uniform included
One out of state and two in state tournaments
Registration Dates
Opens March 3, 2020
Registration close dates are enforced to ensure uniforms arrive prior to first game.
Uniform arrival date can not be guaranteed for late registrants.
Team placement can not be guaranteed for late registrants.
Players must register and attend tryouts in ordered to be considered for College ID Team
Why are we changing uniform kits?Typically an athletic uniform kit runs on a 2-year contract. This is due to the vendor's ability to guarantee a particular style for a specific amount of time.
Are we changing brands?No! Our new uniform kit will be Under Armour brand. This means our warm-up kits, backpacks, any practice, coaching, or fan gear will remain the same!!
Are we changing vendors?Yes! We will be changing to! We are very excited about this change. offers FREE shipping for orders over $99 and FREE returns and exchanges even for items with custom numbers printed. Shipping time will be 5-8 business days. Plus, players ordering uniforms will receive a one-year free Goal Club membership which allows for a 10% discount off items outside of our club store.
How long will we use this new uniform kit?The new kits will carry a two-year contract extending through Spring 2021.